Ask Mr Kipling
Ask us anything about our cakes and slices. You'll find some answers to common questions below. Alternatively, you can contact us using the link on the menu, above.

Unfortunately, our Mr Kipling range is not currently suitable for celiac sufferers.
As a responsible manufacturer, we will only confirm if a product is suitable for vegans when we are happy that we can make the claim and it is supported with the relevant data. If our products are suitable for vegetarians or vegans it will say on the pack. However, if you have a specific query about a product please contact us using the form in the Contact Us section of this site.
We know having Kosher certified is important for some of our customers and so we worked very hard to get our cake slices ‘Kosher certified’. You will find OU Kosher logo as a proof of certification on our cake slices’ labels. Do enjoy the new benefit!
We know our cakes our exceedingly good and therefore we get a lot of requests for products or sponsorship opportunities. If you have a request for us please use the form in the Contact Us section of this site detailing your request. Unfortunately on most occasions we aren’t able to help due to the high numbers of requests but we commit to reviewing every request separately and will help where we can.
Mr Kipling produce a range of products for consumers across the world, some of which include nuts as part of their ingredients. Although Mr. Kipling cake slices do not contain any tree nuts as a part of its ingredients, we include ‘MAY CONTAIN ALMONDS AND COCONUT’ statement on all our Mr. Kipling cake labels. Whilst we strictly control the use and segregation of tree nuts within our bakeries, we cannot guarantee the absence of nuts owing to our wider product range and manufacturing methods.
We do hope that this information has answered your enquiry. If this doesn’t answer your question, then please contact our consumer care team.
Peanuts, or groundnuts are a different crop (peanuts are legumes and are related to peas and beans) and are harvested and processed differently to tree nuts. Our experience of handling tree nuts as ingredients would indicate that the risk of peanuts being present is extremely low – if this was not the case, we would of course extend the ‘May Contain’ statement to cover peanuts. So, for completeness, we can confirm that we do not use peanuts as an ingredient in our Mr. Kipling cake slices and they are also baked on sites that do not handle peanuts.
We do hope that this information has answered your enquiry. If this doesn’t answer your question, then please contact our consumer care team.Nutrition information can be found on all our packaging in both per serving and per container formats. It can also be found in ‘Our cake slices’ menu of this website.
All of the egg ingredients we buy are certified to meet the barn egg standards set by the Association for Controlled Alternative Animal Husbandry, one of the leading European certification bodies for alternative hen rearing systems.
These standards are broad ranging and ensure for example that hens are able to use the entire henhouse at all times, nests are always available, there is sizeable scratching and perch areas, as well as plenty of natural light and only natural materials are used inside the hen housing. We also require that our suppliers do not use harmful welfare practices.Our cake slices can be found at select retailers, check where to find us here:
We are pleased to confirm that the limited quantities of palm oil we buy is all from certified sustainable sources that avoid damaging the tropical rainforest and biodiversity of South East Asia. This is assured through meeting standards set by the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and through independent certification of our manufacturing facilities.
We do occasionally have job opportunities in the USA, please click here.